Avengers: Age of Ultron filmmaker Joss Whedon confirms exit from Marvel Cinematic Universe

Ever since Avengers: Age of Ultron was released, there was wide speculation regarding Joss Whedon’s involvement with the MCU, and now the filmmaker has confirmed that he will be doing no more work for Marvel Studios.
Speaking at the Oxford Union, Whedon, who was visibly burnt out after his work on Avengers: Age of Ultron revealed why he won't be directing or even consulting on any future projects in the Marvel Cinematic Universe explaining "You know, I was their sort of consigliere for a while... We do not discuss our thing... but, I sort of had my finger in all of the films in the second phase, but then I just had to concentrate only on Ultron, and sort of know when it was done I was just going to stop.
So I made a completely clean break - not because we had a falling out - just because I was like, 'I can't...' If I was still there going, 'Well, here are my thoughts on this film', I'd be there every day. I wouldn't do anything else because there are a lot of films, and it is a lot of fun. It's very seductive.
When you can put your little fairy dust on things and just improve them slighty, and they actually listen to you... I was a script doctor for a long time, and the part where they listen to you was very rare. So it was very important for my own self to go, 'We can still be friends', but..."
So far there is no word on what Whedon will work on next, but we all can't wait to hear what the Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator will do next.
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