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Breaking Dawn honeymoon scene halted due to hostage crisis

26 August 2010

Although the horror and blood in the Twilight series is pure fantasy (yes it is Twi- hard fans) the filming of the latest installment has been witness to a real life tragedy.

The filming of the Honeymoon of characters Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, may be relocated due to a hostage situation blamed on the Brazilian drug trade. A drug gang held 35 people hostage at the InterContintal Hotel in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday, which tragically killed one person.

Summit Entertainment are now considering the safety of cast and crew members of the two-part Twilight sequel Breaking Dawn, and considering relocating from an Island off of the coast of Brazil. However local state officials are trying to convince Summit to keep the production based on the Island, as the project would be a massive source of income to the local economy.

This is a terrible situation for the people of Rio de Janeiro, and it is understandable that they want the Twilight production to stay in Brazil, however everybody’s safety must be considered.


Twilight Film Info