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Carrie Fisher’s Leia gets a new title in Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens

12 November 2015

Disney and Lucasfilm’s eagerly awaited Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens hits Cinemas next month and acclaimed Director JJ Abrams has revealed that Carrie Fisher’s iconic Princess Leia has a new title.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Abrams revealed "She's referred to as General. But, there's a moment in the movie where a character sort of slips and calls her 'Princess'.

The stakes are pretty high in the story for her, so there's not much goofing around where Leia's concerned. But it felt historic to have her, especially with Harrison (Ford), back in scenes together.

I can only imagine the baggage that they bring to it, I'm just a fan who loves this stuff, but they've been living with it - and living in it - since '77."

Addressing how Leia is coping with more important role, Abrams added "Not easily. (She's) solitary. Under a lot of pressure. Committed as ever to her cause, but I would imagine feeling somewhat defeated, tired, and pissed."

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens hits Cinemas on December 17 and features Adam Driver, Amybeth Hargreaves, Andy Serkis, Anthony Daniels, Daisy Ridley, Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie, Harrison Ford, John Boyega, Kenny Baker, Lupita Nyong’o, Mark Hamill, Max von Sydow, Oscar Isaac, Peter Mayhew, Simon Pegg and Warwick Davis.

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