Exclusive flower bouquet created by FLOOM available to celebrate the release of Garry Marshall’s MOTHER’S DAY
Lionsgate is delighted to present MOTHER’S DAY the third instalment in Garry Marshall’s (“Pretty Woman”, “Runaway Bride”) holiday trilogy that includes box office hits VALENTINE’S DAY and NEW YEAR’S EVE.
To celebrate the film's release, the fashion industry's favoured floristry destination, FLOOM, has created a special bouquet of flowers inspired by the film MOTHER'S DAY to provide everyone with another chance to treat the mother figure in their life. FLOOM launched earlier this year and has since only been offering London delivery, but for the first time will be exclusively delivering our special bouquet nationwide for one week only.
The exclusive 'Mum's the Word' bouquet is available to purchase now and further information can be found here.
About the film MOTHER'S DAY
There are only a few days left before Mother’s Day, as several families have to come to terms with how they’ll be spending the big day. Whether it’s dealing with a new love, a lost love, or no love at all, this Mother’s Day will prove to be one for the romantic comedy ages – and one to be remembered by audiences for decades to come. Sweet, complex, funny and moving – just like moms across the world.
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