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Frank Miller confirms A Dame to Kil For in Sin City sequel

23 October 2011

Here's some interesting news for Sin City fans, after months of speculation Frank Miller has confirmed that Nancy Callahan and Marv will return for the long awaited sequel.

Speaking to MTV, Miller said that there is still some tinkering being done to the script and that a start date would be Spring of next year "Sin City number two is primarily an adaptation of the book A Dame to Kill For, it also features the short story, 'Just Another Saturday Night' and two new stories. One involving Jessica Alba's character, Nancy Callahan, that I came up with for the movie in order to tie things together and make it be more united with the first."

What is not yet know is if Mickey Rourke and Jessica Alba will reprise their roles of Marv and Nancy from the 2005 hit but given Alba's working relationship with Robert Rodriguez it's probably safe to say that she will.

A Dame to Kill For also features Gail, Miho and Manute so hopefully Rosario Dawson, Devon Aoki and Michael Clarke Duncan will return for the sequel.

At San Diego Comic Con, Rodriguez revealed that the story The Long Bad Night would feature in the film, so that's three down with one to go.