Fresh From its London Film Festival debut Lionsgate Unveil the Posters for Dominic Cooke’s adaptation of ON CHESIL BEACH

Fresh from its debut at the 61st BFI London Film Festival, The Fan Carpet are delighted to bring you the Posters for Dominic Cooke’s ON CHESIL BEACH, courtesy of Lionsgate!
It is summer 1962, and England is still a year away from huge social changes: Beatlemania, the sexual revolution and the Swinging Sixties. We first encounter Florence and Edward, a young couple in their early twenties, on their wedding day. Now on their honeymoon, they are dining in their room at a stuffy, sedate hotel near Chesil Beach in Dorset.
Their conversation becomes more tense and awkward, as the prospect of consummating their marriage approaches. Finally, an argument breaks out between them. Florence storms from the room and out of the hotel, Edward pursues her, and their row continues on Chesil Beach.
From a series of flashbacks, we learn about the differences between them – their attitudes, temperaments and their drastically different backgrounds.
Out on the beach on their fateful wedding day, one of them makes a major decision that will utterly change both of their lives forever.
ON CHESIL BEACH is a powerful, insightful drama about two people, both defined by their upbringing, bound by the social mores of another era.
Written by Ian McEwan, ON CHESIL BEACH stars Saoirse Ronan, Billy Howle, Emily Watson and Anne-Marie Duff and hits Cinemas Soon.
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