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Gal Gadot signed for three picture deal as Wonder Woman

23 January 2014

While it has been met with negativity from fans, Gal Gadot has revealed that she has a three picture deal to play Amazonian warrior princess Wonder Woman.

According to Good Evening with Gai Pines, Gadot is lined up to play Princess Diana beyond Warner Bros' Superman vs Batman and that the actress will begin shooting in May.

It is worth pointing out that multi film deals are common, and this news may not indicate the certainty of a solo Wonder Woman film or that she'll be optioned by Warner Bros.

Snyder's Man of Steel sequel, which at this point is referred to as Superman vs Batman, will arrive a year later than originally announced on May 6 2016 and stars Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck as the titular heroes.

Gal Gadot Photos