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Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine almost cameoed in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man

11 September 2013

While he returns to his role of Wolverine for Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past, Hugh Jackman has revealed that he almost appeared as the fan favourite mutant in Sam Raimi's 2002 hit Spider-Man.

Talking to The Huffington Post, Jackman recalled "In the first Spider-Man - Kevin Feige reminded me of this - we really tried to get me to come on and do something, whether it was a gag or just to walk through the shot or something.

The problem was, we couldn't find the suit. The suit was stuck in something. And so when they were in New York when I was there, we couldn't get it together."

However Jackman remains optimistic that it will happen in the future, presumably alongside Andrew Garfield's new incarnation of Peter Parker adding "I actually asked some high level people about it. Because the optimist in me goes, 'Why not? Why can't we do it? You know, a split cast or whatever', and someone reminded that the amount of money Fox paid compared to the amount of money Disney paid is very different. So how you split that pie up? God knows.

But in the comic books, what's great about it is they're just mashing together all the time - and it's awesome. And people are like, 'Yeah, well, let's get this one with that!'... I still think, one day, there may be an ability to do it."

Meanwhile The Amazing Spider-Man franchise director Marc Webb has suggested that the fourth film in the series could feature a superhero team-up hinting "It might not just be a Spider-Man movie."

Hugh Jackman Photos