Jamie Foxx In Talks For Django Unchained

Today comes news that Dreamgirls actor, Jamie Foxx has been hotly tipped to take on the titular role of Django in Django Unchained, the latest film from Quentin Tarantino. About a black slave who is separated from his wife and sold off at an auction, Django is freed by a charming, but ruthless bounty hunter by the name of Dr Schultz (a role that has been speficically written for the breakout star of Inglorious Basterds, Christoph Waltz)
For a long time, Will Smiths name was attached to the project but reports have insisted that the Men In Black actor has passed on this particular role, prompting frenzied speculation as to who will be taking Smiths place as the oppressed slave turned vigilante.
Idris Elba, Chris Tucker, and Terence Howards names have all been bandied about but it looks as though Foxx might snag the role, athough at this stage anything could happen. Personally I think Andi Peters could do with a bit of a career revival at the moment!
The film already boasts the fantastic Leonardo Di Caprio as the films villainous plantation owner, Calvin Candie from who Django must free his wife. Regular QT cohort, Samuel L Jackson will also be starring as an elder slave who has become Candies right hand man.
I must confess to having read the script when it was leaked online not too long ago, and I have to say judging from what Ive read so far, it looks like Tarantino has outdone himself, if he can do for the spaghetti western what he did for war films, Unchained promises to be nothing short of spectacular.