JJ. Abrams endorses Rupert Wyatt as the director of the third entry in the Star Trek franchise
Star Wars: Episode VII director JJ Abrams has addressed the rumours that Rise of the Planet of the Apes director Rupert Wyatt will direct the third instalment in the Star Trek franchise.
Praising the filmmaker, Abrams told HitFix "He's incredibly talented and we'd be lucky to have someone as talented as Rupert. But there are things we're focusing on right now before the director, which is just sort of the fundamentals of where the story is gonna go.
It's too early to talk about details but there have been a lot of really exciting ideas about what comes next."
Abrams will stay on as a producer and added "I plan to be involved in the story and producing the film and I feel very blessed to be involved at all."
Star Wars: Episode VII will begin production early next year in the UK for a 2015 release.