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Mission: Impossible 4 to go ahead

14 July 2010

'Mission: Impossible 4' may go ahead with or without its star Tom Cruise, while Paramount Pictures are desperate to make a fourth installment in the successful franchise that began life on the big screen in 1996 with Tom Cruise as Super Spy Ethan Hunt.

Rob Moore who is vice chairman for Paramount said “We absolutely are excited about having Tom Cruise star in this movie.”

However, it is thought that the studio will be looking very closely at the worldwide takings of 'Knight & Day' which is released in the UK on 6th August.

The US box office opening was the worst one for a Tom Cruise action vehicle in 20 years – and all eyes will be on the international performance.

Contrary to Rob Moore, a former studio boss says that 'Mission: Impossible' was a brand way before Tom Cruise, which I suppose is true since it started life as a 60's tevevision series.

Tom Cruise Photos (318)