Oscar winner Natalie Portman wanted for the Wachowski brothers Jupiter Ascending

She's been out of the spotlight since the birth of her son in June, but now it seems that Oscar winning actress Natalie Portman is ready to leap back in to work with filmmakers the Wachowski brothers tempting her to take centre stage in Jupiter Ascending.
Word started to spread back in October that Lana and Andy Wachowski were starting to set up the secretive sci-fi project at Warner Bros. but since then very little has been revealed about the project but the LA Times reports that the filmmaking duo are looking to reunite with their V For Vendetta collaborator.
Portman last appeared in superhero epic Thor and is said to be interested but it's early stages at the moment so anything could happen.
The Wachowskis are currently working with Tom Tykwer on ambitious multi-story novel adaptation Cloud Atlas so won't be a lot of movement on Jupiter Asending for the time being.
Portman on the other hand is putting together a documentary about Veganism based on Jonathan Safran Foer’s book Eating Animals also she's also set to return to the Marvel Universe in Thor 2 which recently locked in Game of Thrones helmer Alan Taylor for the director's chair.