Urgent public health announcement from the NSH regarding the recent outbreak of the Rage Virus | The Fan Carpet Ltd • The Fan Carpet: The RED Carpet for FANS • The Fan Carpet: Fansites Network • The Fan Carpet: Slate • The Fan Carpet: Theatre Spotlight • The Fan Carpet: Arena • The Fan Carpet: International

Urgent public health announcement from the NSH regarding the recent outbreak of the Rage Virus

08 April 2016

The Outbreak Research and Development Centre has identified a new virus that appears to be spreading across parts of the UK. The virus, which has been named the Rage Virus, has been identified as a virulent blood-borne infection that is thought to have spread from an animal host.

The government has issued an urgent call out for all citizens to report to their nearest vaccination centres for treatment. If you know of people who have not yet booked their vaccination you must urge them to get in touch with the NSH immediately.



Following recent budgetary cuts to the National Service for Health there is a limited vaccination programme. All members of public have been urged to visit NSH to book their appointments.

To confirm your appointment date and time, we require you to register HERE.

Your ACCESS CODE is: dontwakeup


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The NSH recommends to follow the Rage Virus development closely. The BBCC has regular national broadcasts for the safety and security of all residents.

In support of our Junior Doctors
Cuts to health budgets are over-stretching hospitals around the country – please help support Junior Doctors and the #JUSTHEALTH campaign HERE.


28 Days Later Film Page | Facebook



Secret Cinema's presents their first ever horror experience with Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later. The show begins on 14th April, but the audience experience begins now, with ticket holders receiving the first communication that launches the pre-narrative. Secret Cinema has built a unique website nsh-england.org.uk where users can interact and follow the story of the Rage Virus as it spreads. Added to this are the BBCC news reports, which will bring breaking coverage to the public and audience members so they can fully experience a viral outbreak and the post-apocalyptic world to come.

Creating large-scale cultural experiences in abandoned spaces, Secret Cinema fuses film, music, theatre and installations. Audiences explore ultra-immersive worlds where fiction and reality blur.

In 2007, Secret Cinema pioneered the form ‘Live Cinema’ by introducing site-specific, immersive cultural experiences. Breaking films – and recently music albums – into their constituent parts and marrying narratives with play-along action, Secret Cinema is a unique participatory social experience. Fuelled by a desire to fill the void left by an over-saturated technological world, it invites audiences to lose themselves in serendipitous, imaginary environments that challenge the way we perceive culture and social interaction. To date, over 420,000 people attended Secret Cinema’s events.

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