What’s next for Batman and Christopher Nolan after The Dark Knight Rises?
It is public knowledge that The Dark Knight Rises will be Christopher Nolan's last Batman film, but it seems there will be more from the caped crusader after Nolans last bow. Warner Bros. president Jeff Robinov has confirmed a third inception of the story franchise of the Caped Crusader, he said
“We have the third Batman, but then we’ll have to reinvent Batman… Chris Nolan and [producing partner and wife] Emma Thomas will be producing it, so it will be a conversation with them about what the next phase is.”
The studio also has a Justice League film in active development and according to Warner Bros. president Jeff Robinov there are scripts in the works for a Wonder Woman film that would stand alone from the NBC television series and on a long rumoured Flash film.
The Justice League are DC's answer to The Avengers of Marvel, that brings together heros including Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Flash together.
It's more than likely that the Green Lantern film will pave the way for the Justice League, much like how Iron Man paved the way for The Avengers. What is not yet known is if the Justice League film will tie into their new Batman after Christian Bale dons the cape and cowl for the third and final time in The Dark Knight Rises or if it will stand alone in its own universe. Time will tell, but this sounds promising for comic book fans.
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