Warner Bros. Pictures presents the family film of the summer: Cats & Dogs, a totally new comedy that utilizes a convergence of technologies – live action, puppetry, and animation – to bring a secret, ancient rivalry to the screen.
Unbeknownst to their human companions, dogs have been fighting for thousands of years to keep mankind from falling under the rule of cats. When a rogue feline, Mr. Tinkles, initiates a plan to strategically disable the world’s dog population and leave humans defenseless against his tyranny, a crack team of dog agents and a loyal puppy named Lou are all that stand between mankind and slavery.
The live-action cast includes Jeff Goldblum, Elizabeth Perkins and Alexander Pollock, who play the Brody family. Because of Professor Brody’s work to find a cure for people who are allergic to dogs, the Brody home and yard are designated ground zero in Mr. Tinkles’s (Sean Hayes) battle plan.