Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Thirty years after the defeat of the Galactic Empire, the galaxy faces a new threat from the evil Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and the First Order. When a defector named Finn crash-lands on a desert planet, he meets Rey (Daisy Ridley), a tough scavenger whose droid contains a top-secret map. Together, the young duo joins forces with Han Solo (Harrison Ford) to make sure the Resistance receives the intelligence concerning the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), the last of the Jedi Knights.
December 17, 2015DIRECTOR
J.J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, Michael Arndt (screenplay), George Lucas (characters)COMPANY
Walt Disney PicturesGENRE
Action, Adventure, FantasyCERT
135 minutesCAST
Adam DriverAndy Serkis
Anthony Daniels
Bill Hader
Carrie Fisher
Daisy Ridley
Daniel Craig
Domhnall Gleeson
Emun Elliott
Ewan McGregor
Frank Oz
Gwendoline Christie
Harrison Ford
John Boyega
Kenny Baker
Kevin Smith
Mark Hamill
Max von Sydow
Oscar Isaac
Peter Mayhew
Sam Witwer
Simon Pegg
Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Warwick Davis
Billie Lourd