Here you will find our coverage from the London Independent Film Festival ALL reviews are conveniently located in this one place, separated by the year. The independent feature films ALL have an entry into out database and they have a review, the shorts were reviewed individually within the block they were presented in.

2018 Coverage | 2019 Coverage | 2020 Coverage

Opening Night: Soundtrack To Sixteen, Written and Directed by the Shakespeare Sisters. REVIEW

Shorts Block 1
Kindling by Emma Catalfamo
Mr Punchbag. by Shirit Kedar, Frank Burke & Gavin O’ Brien.
Positive Action by Alasdair McWilliams
You’ve Got To Be Kitten Me by AJ Lamb


Shorts Block 2
The Beach House by Richard Naylor
A Boy A Man and A Kite by Adam Matalon
The Box by Christopher L. Cook
The Therapist by Ron Eyal


Feature Film: The Price For Silence. Directed by Tony Germinario. REVIEW

Shorts Block 3
The Last by Samuel Turner & Andrew Dobson
Child by Ben Kent
An Affable Devil by Alexander Newman & Richard Newman
Delicacy by Michael Middleton-Downer
This Little Death by Alex Hardy


Shorts Block 4
The Date by Emmalie El Fadli
Cake by Anne Hu
Tomato & Eggs by Nicole Tay
Girl Talk by Erica Rose
Care by April Wilson


Feature Film: Poised. Directed by Robert Cairns. REVIEW

Shorts Block 5
Thanks for the Memories by Louis Norton Selzer
Unclasped by Aella Jordan-Edge
Olympians by Meghan Sunder & Amit Gupta
Cashpoint by Monique Needham
Mens Sana by Ludovica Musumeci


Shorts Block 6
The Bomb by Martin Richards
The Critic by Stella Velon
Ghost Dance by Emilia Izquierdo
A Portrait of the Artist Angus Fairhurst by Saam Farahmand
Risk by Luke Bradford


Feature Film: Pluck. Directed by Lloyd Ross. REVIEW

Shorts Block 7
Clarity and Chaos by Vittoria Rizzardi Penalosa
3 Sleeps by Christopher Holt
Edward by Jerome Bell
Secret Times by Montanah Blue
There Are No Dividends by Joe Haughey


Shorts Block 8
Samira by Lainey Richardson
The Millennial Disruption by Somi Arian
One by Luke Bradford
Only the Lonely by Clare Holman
Held For A Moment by Edward Japp


Feature Film: Frontera. Directed by Jake Thomas Armbruster. REVIEW

Feature Film: Dead Unicorns. Directed by Ian Fielding. REVIEW