Carla Gugino wants ‘Mothers I’d Like To Fight’ role
There's no denying that the beautiful Carla Gugino is a bad-ass, she has proven that fact with her starring roles in 'Watchmen' and 'Sin City' and especially in the ill fated US Crime drama 'Karen Sisco'.
Now though, it is being reported that the stunning actress has 'Mothers I'd Like To Fight' in her sights, the film will follow a female tough nut freshly released from prison who heads back to the streets to settle some scores. Violently.
While we are thrilled to see Carla Gugino go bad-ass again in front of the camera, the talent behind the camera leaves something to be desired, Franck Khalfoun, who directed the garage-set horror thriller 'P2', is set to helm the revenge story with 'Piranha 3D' director Alex Aja taking on producing responsibilities.
Sounds like an OTT action film to us, Gugino can next be seen with a bevy of bad-as beauties in the upcoming 'Sucker Punch' from '300' director Zack Snyder.