Megan Fox is Obsessed with ‘The Lord Of The Rings’
Hollywood stunner Megan Fox has revealed that she is obsessed with 'The Lord Of The Rings'. Speaking at a recent press conference for her new film 'Jonah Hex', the "closet nerd" displayed some impressive Lord Of The Rings trivia “I’m a Lord of the Rings fan. I’ll go on the forums, fans complain that Frodo is eating the Lembas bread outside of Mordor instead of at the Mines of Moria. And they get really mad. You cannot focus completely on pleasing them because you'll never win. They'll never be happy no matter what you do, Peter Jackson and company won like 30-something Oscars for those movies.”
When speaking about her film role choices she said “I just felt that it was an amazing opportunity for me to be involved in a project with Josh and John Malkovich and Michael Fassbender, all these incredible actors who were coming in to make this movie,” she recalls. “I just wanted to be a part of it any way that I could.”
Holed up at the Four Seasons Hotel – one of Beverly Hill's most popular and lavish superstar haunts – to promote the release of Jonah Hex, the press gathered around Fox while she discussed her feelings towards fame, what keeps her grounded and sane, how physically demanding her scenes in Jonah Hex turned out to be, Frodo's eating habits and she explains her excitement over her next film in which she plays a performer in a freak show. “I like to take chances,” she says with a grin. “That's the only way I'll grow as an actress.”
Based on the comic books and graphic novels released by DC Comics, in Jonah Hex, Lilah has a soft spot in her hooker heart for the facially-disfigured Hex (Josh Brolin) – a bounty hunter and drifter who has the very scary ability to raise people from the dead. While Jonah Hex has only been a modestly successful comic book series.