SPACESHIP tells the story of Lucidia, a British cyber-goth teenager who fakes her own alien abduction, forcing her father Gabriel to search for her in a surreal world of black holes and unicorns where everyone is looking for a way out. The film stars an electrifying ensemble cast including Alexa Davies (A Brilliant Young Mind, Raised by Wolves) who was nominated for the Evening Standard New West End Company Award for Best Actress for her role in the film, Tallulah Haddon (The Living and the Dead, Taboo), Lara Peake (Born to Kill, How to Talk to Girls at Parties) and Finnish actor Antti Reini (The Man Without a Past, Vares series).
SPACESHIP is written and directed by Alex Taylor, an innovative new voice in British cinema whose first short Kids Might Fly won a Special Jury Prize at the SXSW festival in 2010, after which he was chosen by Screen International as a ‘Star of Tomorrow’. With bewitching cinematography and an eclectic soundtrack of musicians and bands including Annabel Allum (who also performs in the film), Appaloosa, Best Coast, Sunless 97 and East India Youth, SPACESHIP will be released by Trinity Film in cinemas on 19 May 2017.