The Big Lebowski. Directed by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, this hilariously twisted comedy-thriller stars Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman and John Tuturro. Join the “Dude” and his bowling buddies on their journey that blends unforgettable characters, kidnapping, a case of mistaken identity and White Russians. Enter the visually unique and entertaining world from the creative minds of the Coen brothers and remember: the Dude abides.
‘The Dude’, Jeff Lebowski, is unemployed and as laid-back as they come. That is until he becomes a victim of mistaken identity, and two thugs break into his apartment with the errant belief that they’re strong-arming Jeff Lebowski – the Pasadena millionaire. In the hope of getting a replacement for his soiled carpet, ‘the Dude’ pays a visit to his wealthy namesake…
Originally released on 1st May 1998.