From Anxiety Suppressants To The Importance of Clever Dosing: 6 Health Facts To Understand About The Regular Use Of Hemp Products | The Fan Carpet Ltd • The Fan Carpet: The RED Carpet for FANS • The Fan Carpet: Fansites Network • The Fan Carpet: Slate • The Fan Carpet: Theatre Spotlight • The Fan Carpet: Arena • The Fan Carpet: International

From Anxiety Suppressants To The Importance of Clever Dosing: 6 Health Facts To Understand About The Regular Use Of Hemp Products

29 July 2022

There is a wide range of available legal hemp products on the market, and each one will claim different health benefits and be associated with different risks.

We are going to break down some of these associations and provide 6 hard facts about hemp products and health. For instance, hemp can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, help with pain and inflammation, and be used in your skincare routine. On top of these benefits, we will look at the intoxicating effects of hemp products, the risks of smoking, and the importance of getting your doses right. 



Anxiety Suppressants 

Using cannabis to medicate anxiety can be highly effective, but it can also backfire if you overuse Delta9 products. Delta9 THC, which is the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, can trigger anxiety and paranoia in high doses. However, Delta8 THC has similar health benefits but a much lower incidence of provoking anxiety.

Therefore, if you want to suppress anxiety, try a Delta8 product and enjoy the ride. Delta8 is an anxiolytic, which means it is proven to reduce anxiety and can bolster your response to stress. It is derived from hemp, which is a relaxant.

Alleviating Pain and Inflammation

The use of CBD products to treat arthritis has been supported by research. Cannabinoids like CBD, which are also derived from hemp, interact with receptors in the body that influence pain and inflammation. Researchers tend to believe that CBD affects how these receptors respond to the signals they receive, which causes a  reduction in inflammation and pain.

CBD is an effective treatment for various types of pain, including nerve and back pain, when used on its own. However, it seems to be most effective when combined with THC. It can also have a positive impact on those suffering from chronic pain.

Skin Care 

Hemp is the latest skincare hero as it is full of nourishing properties and naturally creates moisture for the skin. Hemp seed oil provides the body with essential fatty acids like oleic (omega 9) and linoleic (omega 6). What’s more, it helps moisturize the skin and scalp and balances sebum production in the body. Sebum is an oily, waxy substance produced by your body that coats the skin, moisturizing and protecting it.

While Hemp in skincare is a hot trend at the moment in the world of beauty, this rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants has actually been used by indigenous communities for centuries. It is a golden oldie in the world of beauty and healthy skin.

Psychoactive and Intoxicating Effects

A lot of people use hemp products for the psychoactive and intoxicating effects, or in layman's terms, to get high. A popular choice of product with this goal in mind is D8 gummies, which provide a gentle and euphoric high, and less risk of any negative effects, like getting too stoned or paranoid. These edible hemp products come in a range of flavors and strains, so consumers can choose the perfect kind for their needs and tastes.

Health Complications From Smoking

Another common method of consuming hemp products is by smoking them. There are health risks associated with smoking cannabis, including damaged lungs, cardiovascular issues, stained teeth, yellowing skin, and complications during pregnancy for those who smoke while expecting.

However, most research finds that smoking tobacco is worse for your health than smoking weed. That being said, the combustion involved in smoking weed and the inhalation of burning embers can still cause complications. So, eating your hemp products might be the safer bet.

The Importance of Clever Dosing 

If you have too much of a Delta8 edible or an edible made from Delta9 THC, you might find yourself feeling nauseous, dizzy, scared, or having intrusive thoughts. The high also lasts several hours. For this reason, it is important to read instructions and take the appropriate dose. If it is your first time, be cautious and only take half a dose. It is better to learn to build up your dose than to take too much and feel overwhelmed by the experience. 

Remember, you will not die from overdosing on hemp products, and the health risks are minimal compared to most other drugs, but you still want to enjoy your experience. So, exercise caution.



This is a list of 6 health facts about hemp products. First, three health benefits of hemp were explored, including their positive impact on those with anxiety or swelling and pain, and their benefits for skincare. Then, we discussed the psychoactive effects and how Delta8 minimizes negative health impacts, such as paranoia or nausea. Smoking hemp products were shown to be less healthy than eating them, but still a bit better than smoking tobacco. Finally, we urge users of hemp products to exercise caution and limit their doses.

The hemp fact we leave you with is that you will not overdose on hemp products, but you can still overdo them, and this is best avoided.

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