"extremely touching and magical, this film takes us through a journey of discovery through our heroines lens as it changes life for everyone"

Once you get used to the subtitles, this is a treat of a film. Set In Sweden in the early 1900's, the atmosphere is bleak and our central characters are tested daily. Maria and Sigfrid Larsson (wonderfully portrayed by Maria Heiskanen and Mikael Persbrandt) have little money and Sigfrid struggles with alcoholism as well as finding regular work.

Maria is very much the long suffering dutiful wife who endures far more than any 20th century woman in a civilized society would. He is abusive almost daily both to her and their many children. She seems in a never ending spiral of doom until all their lives are transformed by Mari'a winning of a camera.

Extremely touching and magical, this film takes us through a journey of discovery through our heroines lens as it changes life for everyone. Can true love blossom in this impoverished, war torn, and depressing time? Watch and see what developes.

I strongly suspect this film will be remade in English. But there really is no need as it is a near perfect work already.