"Muppets Most Wanted works and works well, and at no point is the spectacle on screen devoid of humour, even in more touching of moments"
Who doesn't love The Muppets? For as long as I can remember these brightly coloured assortment of creatures from the wonderful mind of the legendary Jim Henson, have been a regular in films, TV and pop culture the world over, and the latest entry in The Muppets franchise is an endearing and engaging slice of cinema.
From the outset, Muppets Most Wanted is just all out fun, with an opening number that addresses the many pitfalls that plague a sequel, making for an interesting contrast since all the troubles they sing about don't plague this sequel at all. The film sees the gang go on a world tour whilst Kermit has been replaced by the dead ringer that is Constantine, the worlds most dangerous Frog who uses the tour as a distraction to pull off heist after heist with the aid of his Number two Dominic Badguy (Ricky Gervais) whist being pursued by Ty Burrell's Jean Pierre Napoleon and Sam the Eagle.
Muppets Most Wanted is a true Muppets film, in the sense that it focuses on the creatures rather than their human counterparts, which works well and remains faithful to the pre-established brand that exists. So the villain of the story is a Muppet - Constantine, whereas 2011's The Muppets had the great Chris Cooper as the villain. Not that it's a bad thing to have a non Muppet as the bad guy, but it's nice to have the focus on our little furry friends.
It's hilarious too, and what works is the fact that at no point do they try too hard or try to be something its not; it's just one big farce and the film takes great pride in that, and the supporting cast of Gervais, Burrell and Tina Fey are just great in their roles, and are such good sports, happy to be upstaged by puppets. It's an impressive feat, once you're engaged with the film (which is right from the start), it's easy to forget that you are watching puppets at all.
James Bobin has to be commended for assembling such an array of cameos; from Stanley Tucci to Celine Dion, from Ray Liotta to Danny Trejo, and from Hugh Bonneville to Saoirse Ronan; the list is immense, and impressive that all these household names would be a part of something so special.
Muppets Most Wanted works and works well, and at no point is the spectacle on screen devoid of humour, even in more touching of moments.
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