Bad Teacher(2011)

"Bad Teacher is faintly amusing, but promises much more than it delivers."

Cameron Diaz has been having a bit of a dry spell in the comedy arena of late.  The nearly laugh-free Knight And Day was followed up with an almost non-existent role as Seth Rogen’s love interest in The Green Hornet – both roles trading on her looks rather than her ability to act...

by Jez Sands

The Beaver(2011)

"“At times I found myself thoroughly enjoying it, whilst at other points wanting to jump out of a window”"

It appears that the general consensus with Jodie Foster’s ‘The Beaver’, is that it’s a real love or hate film. It seems to have won over many a critic whilst disturbing the rest. I, however, completely defy that logic by simply thinking that it is, quite simply, just okay....

by Stefan Pape

Kung Fu Panda 2(2011)

"fun, fast-paced and full of frenetic fight scenes"

Packed to the brim with slapstick comedy, superb fight scenes, some cracking vocal performances (notably Ian McShane as the villainous Tai Lung – incidentally, is there anything which isn’t improved by Ian McShane?) as well as good humour and surprising emotional touches, Kung Fu Pand...

by Jez Sands

Swinging with the Finkels(2011)

"At times it almost seems like a parody of previous romantic comedies"

I’ve always had a real soft spot for Martin Freeman. When I was 11 years old I was fortunate enough to be a winner in a short-play writing competition. My play, ‘Free Meals’ starred just two characters – one of which was performed by a younger, more inexperienced Freeman. ...

by Stefan Pape


"it’s Senna’s conflicts with the system which are the most interesting"

I’m not a motorsport fan but even I‘ve heard of Ayrton Senna (I wasn’t fooled into thinking this was a documentary for constipation aids)

Senna is a personal portrait of a sporting genius which charts his start as a go-karting driver in his native Brazil to three-time wo...

by Jez Sands

The Hangover: Part II(2011)

"Destined to sit in the shadow of it’s predecessor"

The comedy sequel has to be one of the hardest films on the planet to pull off.  Often they fall short of the original by trying too hard to replicate its success, and end up either being pale imitations, or ridiculously over the top flops, with very few going on to replicate the success of the ...

by Olly Mitchell