In The Electric Mist follows the grisly discovery of the mutilated corpse of a young woman in a ditch outside the Louisiana town of New Iberia, Dave Robicheaux becomes involved in a hunt for a serial killer who appears to be targeting young prostitutes as his victims. His investigations into the case are hampered by the presence of a Hollywood film crew, in town to film a civil war epic, which is being part-financed by local crime kingpin “Baby Feet” Balboni (Goodman). When Robicheaux arrests the movie’s star, Elrod Sykes (Sarsgaard), for driving under the influence, Sykes reveals that the crew has unearthed the decomposed remains of a man killed decades earlier, a murder the detective witnessed as a teenager but failed to report. This latest discovery reawakens long-buried memories from Robicheaux’s past and leads him to suspect that the murder he witnessed years ago and the latest spate of crimes are somehow connected. But, just as the detective believes he is closing in on the killer, a twist in the case places Robicheaux and his family in the murderer’s sights and the quest to bring the guilty to justice becomes deeply personal.

A compelling murder-mystery set against the atmospheric backdrop of the Louisiana swamplands, In The Electric Mist is a superb thriller elevated by a stellar cast and a knockout lead performance by Tommy Lee Jones as a tenacious cop who is more than willing to break the rules to get results.



October 16, 2009


Bertrand Tavernier


Jerzy Kromolowski, Mary Olson-Kromolowski (screenplay) & James Lee Burke (novel "In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead")


High Fliers Films / International Film Distribution Consultants


Drama, Mystery




102 minutes