"Brilliantly bold from Boyle, yet do we really need another Jobs story?"

When one sees Michael Fassbenders face in a trailer or a poster, you feel compelled to buy a ticket for it. The man is undoubtedly a powerhouse. Sweeping onto our screens this year as Macbeth, and now as CEO of Apple, the late Steve Jobs, director Danny Boyle teams up with The Social Networks writer Aaron Sorkin to make a brilliantly bold feature; yet do we really need another Jobs story?

Failing just two years ago to bring this story alive with Ashton Kutcher playing the man himself, this needed to be a bigger, better and much more brutal to set itself above the rest. The first half of this intelligent drama gives us just that, only for to be consumed by a Hollywood cliché of a story in the latter. Let’s face it, Jobs has changed the world of technology as we know it, yet everyone focuses on the negative aspects of this late man’s career. His sheer mind and business drive got him exactly where he wanted to be – the launch of the iMac back in 1998. As we are taken behind the scenes and backstage, Sorkin guides us through the highs and lows of Jobs career until the iMac virtually saves the company.

This feature is magnetic in the sense that it draws you in, but equally repels due to utter historical inaccuracies and repetitive drawn out moments. The dialogue maybe smart, quick and witty; albeit it’s the same conversations playing themselves out through Jobs misogynist and savage personality. For films sake, Kate Winslet comes in the form of a fabricated polish assistant Joanna Hoffman, who seems to be only here to serve the purpose of an onscreen female presence and desperately try to contain this beast that is the iMac inventor.

At times this project feels forced. Such family drama and business arguments conveniently takes place before every launch of a new product. His ex-girlfriend and daughter he refuses to acknowledge always happen to be there, dragging us away from ever seeing the man present his products to his incredibly eager audiences. We jumping to many different points of his life, which is undoubtedly determined by his inventions or stealing thereof, business takes over. It consumes everything and even his family becomes second nature. As we exploring his abandonment issues about being adopted, everything seems to be falling into place. His dark side, his insistent nature and his reluctance to accept he has a daughter and acknowledge the fact that she is exactly like one of his inventions that had been there all along.

Sugar-coated perhaps more than it should have been with an unnecessary amount of time devoted to his troubled family life, when all we want to see is just how vicious, vindictive and self-absorbed this businessman truly was. Something so powerful and hard hitting in its first 60 minutes becomes lost in a whirlwind of lengthy discussions of a predictable nature. Bold. Brilliant. Brutal; words associated with this undoubtedly superb businessman that Boyle so skilfully transforms to the screen, yet there is a hole that simple can’t be filled with a few comic one-liners from Seth Rogan.