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Olly Ralfe director of The Mighty Boosh: Jouney of the Childmen talks to The Fan Carpet

23 November 2010

The Fan Carpet were lucky enough to chat with The Mighty Boosh: Journey of the Childmen director Oliver Ralfe about the inspiration behind the film and the relationship between the Boosh funnymen Julian and Noel.

The Documentary was shot during the mammoth Future Sailors tour, this intimate film observes the comic genius of the Mighty Boosh as they navigate a nation hooked on its cult.

The refreshingly unscripted moments, such as Fielding’s response to peering at the audience through a stage curtain (“Boosh fans…shit…”) provides the perfect comedy. with an exclusive behind the scenes look at The Mighty Boosh On Tour. It’s now the only way to see the best documentary of the year, plus the DVD is packed full with never-before seen extras, and so is definitely one not to be missed.

Grab your copy of the DVD, in stores NOW.



Tell us about the project and how it all began?

Julian and Noel saw my first feature documentary The Ballad of AJ Weberman It is about a Bob Dylan stalker and Garbologist from New York. They enjoyed it and asked me to make a film about their tour. They’re old friends and I’ve done things in the Boosh show and book before.


This was a very long tour – how did this affect the Boosh and their relationship with one another?

It was the peak of a long journey for the Boosh. I think they had to bunker down and get on with it. It was a long tour but they had a lot of champagne, sausage rolls and good beds to keep them going.


Did the scale of O2 affect the Boosh and how they approached the show? Did they prefer this or the smaller venues?

They scaled up the production for those huge venues and had to paint with a bigger brush.


Did you at any point get involved in any of the tour performances? Any temptation to slip in to the Bollo costume when nobody was looking?

I did go on stage at the end of one of the 02 shows in a nanna dress. 


Do you have any personal favourite sketches or characters? If so, why?

I love the Howard character in general and a lot of Noel’s characters like Old Gregg and the Hitcher. Lester Corncrake is good too.


Was there much development of characters and sketches whilst the tour was running? Did you see any new characters you think we may see in the future?

Not sure.


Is Rich Fulcher as mad as a hatter off screen as much as he is on-screen?

Watch my film and you’ll get a good idea. He’s amazing.


Are you aware of any other Mighty Boosh stuff in the pipeline (e.g. The Mighty Boosh album, another series) and are you involved?

I think the Boosh album is nearly finished so hopefully that’ll come out soon. I don’t know what their other plans are. 


How is the Ralfe band going?

I released the soundtrack to Bunny and the Bull this year and I’m working on a new album now.




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