Ron Howard directed this lightning-paced, high-energy drama following one day in the life of Henry Hackett (Michael Keaton), a frantic metro editor for a fictitious New York tabloid. While investigating the apparently race-related killing of two white businessmen found murdered in their car, Hackett discovers a conspiracy by the police involving the falsely arrested black youths. With the help of his very pregnant wife, Martha (Marisa Tomei), he scoops the competition by uncovering a connection to the mob. But his editor, the acerbic penny-pinching Alicia (Glenn Close), questions the validity of his findings and refuses to print the story. Curmudgeonly managing editor Bernie White (Robert Duvall) tries to stop his two editors from fighting while losing a battle for his own health. THE PAPER features a terrific supporting cast, including Jason Robards as the paper’s publisher, Randy Quaid as a paranoid columnist, Jason Alexander as a corrupt politician, and Spalding Gray as a New York Times-type editor. However, the movie belongs to Keaton himself, as an ambitious, harried reporter in search of the big story. Two brothers–screenwriter David Koepp and Time magazine editor Stephen Koepp, collaborated on the screenplay. To lend realism to the film, Howard rounded up a large group of media figures to make cameos, including Kurt Loder, Pete Hamill, Bob Costas, Richard Price, William Kunstler, Jane Hanson, E. Graydon Carter, and others.



June 06, 1994


Ron Howard


David Koepp & Stephen Koepp


Universal Pictures


Comedy, Drama




112 minutes