"rarely is a film been so white-knuckle thrilling and jaw-dropping shocking from start to finish"
I really wanted to find this scary. Properly scary, the type where you come out the cinema still shuddering. But I didn't. Sure, the fast, gruesome gore fest was frightening; I jumped out my seat and hid behind my hands. But there just wasn't enough substance for it to haunt me.
Having said that, I still enjoyed 30 Days of Night. The acting was brilliant, definitely one of Hartnett's best. And the simple concept; genius! Writers so often have to go to extreme lengths to create a 'no escape' situation, but what could be simpler then an isolated Alaskan village submerged in 30 days of moonlight? Finally, it's about time vampires started to reclaim their rightful frightfulness after Buffy's longstanding efforts to make them lovable.
From beheadings to animal violence, to the slaughter of children, to maniacal misuse of a snow plow, 30 Days of Night douses you in blood and suspense. A few minutes into the film we are immersed in quick, gritty violence and intensity and it never lets up until the climactic conclusion. Rarely is a film been so white-knuckle thrilling and jaw-dropping shocking from start to finish. As a horror film, 30 Days of Night succeeds admirably due to its fast-paced, stunning visuals, and explosive action. A nonstop thrill ride guaranteed to please fans of the original groundbreaking graphic novel and avid horror film fans.
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