Based upon the novel by Alistair MacLean, WHERE EAGLES DARE follows a British sponsored rescue mission to a Nazi stronghold in the Austrian Alps, lead by Major Jonathan Smith (Burton). The objective of the mission is to retrieve a high-ranking American general, who is privy to the allies’ top-secret strategic plans against Germany. Because of the general’s nationality and as a courtesy to the American military, Lt. Morris Schaffer (Clint Eastwood) has been selected to work with the British team. However, from the moment the rescue party parachutes into enemy territory, we discover that the mission isn’t completely what it seems, and that there is most likely a traitor amongst the group. The cast of WHERE EAGLES DARE also features Mary Ure, Patrick Wymark, Michael Hordern, Robert Beatty, Anton Diffring, Ferdy Mayne, Derren Nesbit and Ingrid Pitt.